What is the Difference Between Pre-Qualifying and Pre-Judging

What is the Difference Between Pre-Qualifying and Pre-Judging?

Sales representatives are always looking for clients who are likely to make a purchase. Thus, when disinterested clients show up, they feel it is best not to waste time on them. But what if that is just the initial nature of the customer masked as disinterest? Thus, if you judge them too quickly, you are missing out on a potential client, and in the business world, every client is gold.

So how can you pertain to the benefits of pre-qualifying and push away the drawbacks of pre-judging? Read below to find out!


What is Pre-Judging?

Pre-judging refers to creating an immediate opinion about the client and deciding whether to spend time on them or not based on that opinion. It means that you are prejudiced against your client and are forming an assumption of whether they will buy from you or not based on no objective evidence.

Most sales representatives from pre-judging notions based on a client’s personality, appearance, how they talk, and other traits that do not influence their buying decisions.


What is Pre-Qualifying?

Pre-qualifying also includes separating potential clients from the ones you feel would just waste your time. But this time, the judgment is based on thinking objectively. The objective thinking requires going through certain factors that help you reach a definite conclusion about a customer.

Pre-qualifying only eliminates customers who would be wasting your time and efforts. Thus, it is a useful skill to master so that you are spending the better part of your day working on customers who are willing to invest in you.


Why is Pre-Qualifying Better Than Pre-Judging?

Working hard on a client from whom you cannot gain anything feels annoying and reduces work morale. An efficient salesperson would thus, only spend his blood, sweat, and tears on a client they see potential in.

That is the benefit of pre-qualifying. It helps you sort casual clients from interested ones, so you do not feel guilty about spending effort on them. But this is based on actual factors that enable the differentiation. These factors do not include your personal preferences but tests about how far a client can actually go.


Importance of Pre-Qualifying

Pre-qualifying clients mean you are spending your time wisely. Instead of working on prospects that will not yield any benefits, you can put all your efforts into winning over promising clients.

The right way to pre-qualify a client is to ask them questions based on all the insight you have on them. The answers to these queries will assist you in unveiling if they are attentive and keen to buy from you.

Judging a book by the cover is not fair to clients. But when you have read the summary at the back of the book and feel like it may not be the best choice, there is no harm in choosing another book.

In order to pre-qualify a client, you need to do your homework about the type of clients that come your way. Make sure you pick the right questions to discover their interests. An integral sales key point is only to make judgments when you can back them with facts.

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