Final Expense
For today's agent
What We Offer
Let’s start with the basics every agent asks. What commission level will I start at and do you have a lead program?
That should not be the only two questions you have, since we have so much more to offer. Like a complete business plan. But that’s all noise until you get those first two answers.
So short and sweet:
Commissions: We pay fairly, is that ok?
Leads: We don’t GIVE leads! We have leads systems.
Please keep in mind. Lead systems are fluid and always changing
- Verified Final Expense Leads – Telemarketing generated leads
- Final Expense Mailer Program – Exclusive electronic and return mail. All zip codes available
- Final Expense Referral Guide – Agent guide on earning referrals
- Final Expense Prospecting Tool – Contracted agents have access to over 28,000,000 prospects nationwide through an automated CRM
- Final Expense Live Transfer Program – Pay per call advertiser delivers qualified customers to you on your schedule.
- Multimedia lead generation
- Over 20 Products to fit all your clients’ needs
- Scripts and Sales Tips and Training
- Sales Platforms and Marketing
- Final Expense Quote Engine
Selling Points
Many agents have migrated into the Final Expense Market for obvious reasons. If you are looking for a career change, and a product to help you grow your business with the opportunity to cross sell, look no further.
Both part time and full-time agents have partnered with Apex to sell in this market. With our team of advisors, products, and lead systems you can set your own schedule. You decide what you want, and we will help you achieve it.

The Agents Edge
Both the Final Expense and Medicare markets have one glaring asset in common. Size. The most recent statistic on aging in American has the population hitting age 65 at a rate of 10,000 per day. This trend is expected to continue over the next few decades. This will keep us all busy for years to come.
Our new Business in a Box concept will give you the edge you need to launce your current business to the next level. If your new to the industry or are part time our program will have you up and running in less than a week. Join us in either, or both markets and gain the edge you need to become a successful Insurance agent.
Looking to earn an annual six figures in the next few years. Talk to us about the Race To 500. Find out what its like to work with a partner who knows that for us to be successful we need to help you become successful first.
Business in a Box
Replacing the brick and mortar store front of yesterday with a virtual online presence. Multiple websites to direct new and existing clients giving you professional visibility as well as a professional email, your new address. Along with replacing the paper ads of old with new and fresh multimedia advertising, filing cabinets and rolodexes with our Virtual Office Suite (VOS) system.
Give us a call and let people know your open for business.